Domestic Long Hair. White and brown.
DOB: December 7, 2022
Jack is like that very sweet kid at school that has social anxiety. He's always excited to see you and hang out with you, but is unsure how to approach you so he waits for you to make the first move. Jack could've been mistreated in the past and that's why he's so shy and timid. It's like he doesn't know what kind of attitude you are going to approach him with and for that reason he likes to hide in nook beds where he can feel safe and secure. He might take a while to get used to his new environment, but once he does this boy will melt in your hands.
Jack loves getting brushed and rubbed. This boy will flop around on his back showing off his belly to you and flirt with his eyes. He enjoys putting his head on top of your hand or thigh and just generally being very close to you.