Nino - Adopted
Description: Light brown base coat with dark brown to black spotted tabby markings. Very round yellowish-green eyes.
Breed: Arabian mau mix
Nino is just like a rebellious teenager. He is loud and abnoxious. His meow-cries sound like a wild baby jaguar and never fail to make us laugh. Nino would make a horrible predator as he announces his moves before he makes them as loud as he possibly can.
Nino can be a bit of a bully to the other cats, he wants to play but his play style is very rough, which naturally causes some unhappy friends. We noticed that he is choosy with who he likes and who he bullies. Introducing him to another feline would be a gamble, but we think Nino would do well with another high energy cat of a similar age who he could tussle and play-fight with. He generally gets along with the other Arabian Maus in the cat forest, likely due to their similar play styles.
Nino gets anxious in new surroundings so please be very patient with him if you choose to adopt this sweet and crazy boy. He's got the perfect balance of a wild cat and a cuddly one. It's important to mention that respecting Nino's boundaries will get you a long way. He's not a fan of impromptu pets, he likes getting affection at his own accord. He will sit in your lap when he chooses to and he will purr his heart out to you when he chooses to. Forcing anything onto Nino will only push him away further from you and make him hostile.
Nino can get quite bitey if you don't respect his boundaries. When he gently taps your hand away the first time it's important to not ignore him, because otherwise he will use his nails and then teeth if you still didn't get the message.
UPDATE: Nino is exceptionally good at playing tag and hide and go seek with his human. The bigger the space you have the better.
Birthday September 2022
Weight: 3.9 KG