Ming - In Foster
Domestic Short Hair. White and Orange. Tripod (3 legged cat).
DOB: January 1, 2022
Ming was found with a deformed front leg that was not weight bearing. She was taken in by the staff at a veterinarian's office, but was confined to a small enclosure for almost a full year. Before Ming came to Catoro, her front limb was amputated to make her more comfortable.
This young girl has tons of energy that she releases by head butting everything in sight. Ming wants to be loved and cared for so badly, but due to her past she has some reservations. We don't know exactly what happened in her life, but it seems has some trust issues with humans. Ming will need a very compassionate, patient and understanding home, where she can feel safe at her own pace.
This girls likes to chat and drag her toys around from one corner to the other. She's very smart and playful. With a firm and gentle owner who is willing to train her, this sweet girl will be a wonderful companion for many years to come.