Theo & Cassie

Theo & Cassie

Theo and Cassie are two black domestic shorthair cats. They are a bonded pair (brother and sister) who must be adopted together. They are available for adoption at Catoro Cat Cafe in East Vancouver. 

Birthday: September 1, 2022

Theo (tipped ear) and Cassie (white patch on chest) are a brother and sister who spent their first year of life living outside. When they first came to Catoro they were terrified to be in enclosed walls with strangers. However, these two braved their fears, and both have become very affectionate and silly little characters. They are extremely food motivated and will weave around your legs shouting when you're preparing their meals.

Cassie likes to chill on the sidelines a lot of the time, but will dart out from her shelf to greet you and make sweet little chirps. Theo thinks he's the boss of Catoro and will let other cats know - he won't tolerate anyone being close to him except his sister. Theo is a bit more confident than Cassie and likes to play in the Cat Forest and will let you pick him up. He likes to give you kisses on the face and head butts. Cassie is getting there too, and she loves to roll around and show you her belly when she's feeling confident. Both are absolutely obsessed with laser dots and will chase them literally all day if you let them.

These two will make a great pair for any home without other cats where they can continue to show their true colours with a caring human or two (the two would probably get along with gentle older children who understand their boundaries). They are the sweetest and funniest little cats with a lot of love for each other and their favourite people. 

Theo & Cassie have been at Catoro since February 2024 and have made so much improvement in their time here. They are smart and friendly. Any adopter would be lucky to have this pair.